29/004, Sector-01, Mira Road (E). Thane

Addicition Counselling.

Addicition Counselling

What Is Addicition Counselling ?

The most common format for addiction counselling is one-on-one, although it is also accessible in partner, family, and group settings. Regardless of the approach used, it gives the client a private setting in which to talk about their relationship with the problematic drug or behaviour and how it affects their life and the lives of those they care about.

Addiction A substantial and problematic use of a substance or behaviour is seen as much more serious than it is as merely a symptom of underlying difficulties, even though these underlying issues are invariably present. This is the perspective of counselling, a highly specialised kind of counselling. The problematic and addictive aspects of a person's life are evaluated first.

There are several documented risk factors that might increase someone's susceptibility to addiction, including ?

People with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (often referred to as ADHD) experience agitation, impulsivity, and hyperactivity. People with ADHD frequently find it difficult to focus for extended periods of time, with symptoms generally appearing in infancy. Although adults can also be affected by the illness, children and teens are most frequently affected.

Family History :

Drug or alcohol abuse significantly raises the likelihood of having an addiction, suggesting that there may be a genetic component to addictions.

Stress And Traumatic Events :

There is a strong correlation between childhood trauma and addiction, and being subjected to abuse, neglect, or other difficulties significantly raises a person's risk for addiction in the future.

Early Exposure And Experimentation :

Getting exposed to drugs and alcohol while you're young raises your chance of later developing a drug or alcohol problem, especially if you experimented with drugs or alcohol when you were younger.

Over Drugs :

Living, working, or attending school in an area where drugs are widely available raises the likelihood that someone may develop an addiction.

Personality And Psychological Make-Up :

An individual's personality and psychological make-up may also make them more susceptible to addiction.

Brain Anatomy & Development :

Some persons may be more susceptible to acquiring an addiction because their prefrontal cortex is undeveloped.

Who Might Gain From Seeing A Counsellor For Addiction ?

People who are directly impacted by a behaviour or substance that is harming or has hurt them are likely to benefit from the specialised training of an addiction counsellor, regardless of the quantity, frequency, or consumption now or in the past. Examples might range from those who are just worried about their use of particular substances, such as prescription medicines or eating habits, to those who are already engaging in chronic alcohol or drug abuse, are enmeshed in compulsive gambling, or are addicted to pornography